Database functionality

CStarSurfaces.jl has the ability to interact with database connections for saving and retrieving Mori dream spaces and their properties. The interface here is generic, but currently only an SQLite database holding SurfaceWithTorusAction's is supported.

A connection to the online ldp-database is planned.

DatabaseAdapter{T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Abstract type of a database adapter holding objects of a common subtype of MoriDreamSpace. Subtypes of DatabaseAdapter{T} should at least implement the following functions:

import_from_database, find_in_database.

If the database is writeable, the following functions should be implemented as well:

export_to_database, update_in_database.

create_table(db :: SQLiteAdapterSurfaces; temp = false, ifnotexists = true)

Create a new SQLite table with default column definitions holding SurfaceWithTorusActions.


Create a new SQLite database for holding SurfaceWithTorusActions. The resulting table can be inspected with SQLite.jl:

julia> db = SQLiteAdapterSurfaces("my_database.db", "surfaces", "surface_id")
SQLiteAdapterSurfaces(SQLite.DB("my_database.db"), "my_database.db", "surfaces", "surface_id")

julia> create_table(db);

julia> using SQLite

julia> SQLite.tables(db.db)
1-element Vector{SQLite.DBTable}:
 SQLite.DBTable("surfaces", Tables.Schema:
 :surface_id                                   Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_toric                                     Union{Missing, Int64}
 :gen_matrix                                   Union{Missing, String}
 :rays                                         Union{Missing, String}
 :nrays                                        Union{Missing, Int64}
 :lss                                          Union{Missing, String}
 :dss                                          Union{Missing, String}
 :case_                                        Union{Missing, String}
 :block_sizes                                  Union{Missing, String}
 :nblocks                                      Union{Missing, Int64}
 :number_of_parabolic_fixed_point_curves       Union{Missing, Int64}
 :orientation                                  Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_intrinsic_quadric                         Union{Missing, Int64}
 :class_group_rank                             Union{Missing, Int64}
 :class_group_torsion                          Union{Missing, String}
 :class_group_torsion_order                    Union{Missing, Int64}
 :degree_matrix                                Union{Missing, String}
 :canonical_divisor_class                      Union{Missing, String}
 :gorenstein_index                             Union{Missing, Int64}
 :picard_index                                 Union{Missing, Int64}
 :log_canonicity_numerator                     Union{Missing, Int64}
 :log_canonicity_denominator                   Union{Missing, Int64}
 :log_canonicity                               Union{Missing, Float64}
 :anticanonical_self_intersection_numerator    Union{Missing, Int64}
 :anticanonical_self_intersection_denominator  Union{Missing, Int64}
 :anticanonical_self_intersection              Union{Missing, Float64}
 :admits_kaehler_ricci_soliton                 Union{Missing, Int64}
 :admits_kaehler_einstein_metric               Union{Missing, Int64}
 :admits_sasaki_einstein_metric                Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_quasismooth                               Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_factorial                                 Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_smooth                                    Union{Missing, Int64}
 :number_of_singularities                      Union{Missing, Int64}
 :singularity_types_string                      Union{Missing, String}
 :number_of_exceptional_prime_divisors          Union{Missing, Int64}
 :singularity_kind_x_plus                       Union{Missing, String}
 :number_of_exceptional_prime_divisors_x_plus   Union{Missing, Int64}
 :singularity_kind_x_minus                      Union{Missing, String}
 :number_of_exceptional_prime_divisors_x_minus  Union{Missing, Int64}
 :is_combinatorially_minimal                    Union{Missing, Int64})
import_from_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}; sql :: String = "TRUE", import_attributes = false, showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Return a list of objects of type T that match a given sql query. The string sql is used after the WHERE in a SELECT statement, hence can contain restrictions on the columns as well as an ORDER BY and a LIMIT clause.

import_from_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, ids :: AbstractVector{Int}; import_attributes = false, showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Return the list of objects of type T from an SQLite database with the given ids.

import_from_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, id :: Int; import_attributes = false, showinfo = true)

Return the object of type T from an SQLite database with the given id.

find_in_database(db :: SQLiteAdapterSurfaces, X :: SurfaceWithTorusAction)

Tries to find a SurfaceWithTorusAction in an SQLite database. If the surface is in the database, this function returns its id. Otherwise, it returns nothing.

default_column_functions(::Type{T}) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Returns a Dict{Symbol, Function} that serves as a default for the names of the columns to export and how to export them for a given subtype of MoriDreamSpace. This should be implemented by all subtypes of MoriDreamSpace where database functionality is desired.

The fallback definition for a general T returns an empty dictionary.


The default columns names and how to compute them when exporting objects of type SurfaceWithTorusAction to an SQLite database.

The function names all have the prefix _db_ followed by the name of the column, for instance CStarSurfaces._db_gen_matrix (they are not exported by default). They basically wrap the corresponding attribute function, giving the result as a language-agnostic string for database storage instead of a Julia type.

default_insert_predicate(::Type{T}) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Returns a function of type (db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, X :: T) -> Bool that serves as the default insert predicate when exporting objects of type T to an SQLite database. The default implementation returns true if and only if find_in_database(db, X) returns nothing, hence avoiding duplicate entries in the database. Note that there is no default implementation for find_in_database, it has to be implemented for each subtype of MoriDreamSpace where database functionality is desired.

sqlite_import_row(::Type{SurfaceWithTorusAction}, row :: Union{SQLite.Row, NamedTuple})

Imports a single row from an SQLiteAdapterSurfaces into a SurfaceWithTorusAction.

export_to_database(db_adapter :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, Xs :: AbstractVector; kwargs...) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Export a list Xs of varieties of type T to an SQLite database. The following keyword arguments are supported:

  • column_functions: Defaults to default_column_functions(T). A dictionary of type Dict{Symbol, Function} containing for each exported column name a function that tells export_to_database how to compute that column. Each function takes an object of type T and returns an SQLite compatible data type (Int, Float, String or Nothing).
  • insert_predicate: Defaults to default_insert_predicate(T). A function of type (db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, X :: T) -> Bool. Only objects where this predicate evaluates to true are exported.
  • showinfo: Defaults to true.
update_in_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, column_functions :: Dict{Symbol, <:Function}; sql :: String, column_function_args :: AbstractVector{Symbol}, showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Update all rows in an SQLite database matching a given SQL query by recomputing the columns given by column_functions. See also export_to_database and import_from_database.

Keyword arguments:

  • sql :: String, defaults to "TRUE". The SQL expression used for filtering the rows in the database that should be updated. It is inserted into a SELECT statement after the WHERE, hence can contain restrictions on the columns as well as an ORDER BY and a LIMIT clause.
  • column_function_args :: AbstractVector{String}, defaults to [:variety]. The list of arguments that each column function receives. These can either be names of columns in the database, or the special symbol :variety, in which case the variety corresponding to the row is imported using sqlite_import_row and then passed as an argument.
  • showinfo: Defaults to true.
update_in_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, ids :: AbstractVector{Int}, column_functions :: Dict{Symbol, <:Function}; column_function_args :: AbstractVector{Symbol}, showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace})

Update all rows in an SQLite database with the given ids by recomputing the columns given by column_functions.

update_in_database(db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}, id :: Int, column_functions :: Dict{Symbol, <:Function}, column_function_args :: AbstractVector{Symbol}, showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}))

Update all rows in an SQLite database with the given id by recomputing the columns given by column_functions.

execute_on_database(f :: Function, db :: SQLiteAdapter{T}; sql :: String = "TRUE", function_args :: AbstractVector{Symbol} = [:variety], showinfo = true) where {T <: MoriDreamSpace}

Executes f on all rows of an SQLite database that are filtered sql. The argument function_args can be used to control the arguments that will be passed to f. See also update_in_database.
